Back to Golf | Celebration Orthopaedics

Is back pain keeping you off the golf course this year?

Is back pain, or the fear of back pain, keeping you away from golf? If so, we can help.

Here are some helpful tips to get you back on course. This includes golf stretches that make the back stronger, more flexible and resistant to future strain. Fact: A correct golf swing should not create a back problem. We recommend connecting with a PGA-certified golf pro to learn the correct swing mechanics to lessen the strain on your back.

Nix the "Reverse C"

Back in the 1970s, the fashionable swing of young Johnny Miller featured the spine bent backward in the follow-through, resembling a backward C. Today, the modern golf swing is much easier on the back and positions the back in a more straight-up position as the body rotates on a straight left leg. Ironically, as Johnny Miller aged, he too changed his swing to a more rotational swing that has a finish that's easier on his back.

Slow play? Perfect time for these golf stretches

Are slow players up ahead? Perfect! Next time you have to wait, Celebration Orthopedics recommends these standing spine exercises to stay flexible and loose on the course.